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Donovan LaDuke - Developer

Hey, I'm Donovan, a software developer with a passion for learning and developing aesthetically pleasing applications that help people live simpler more meaningful lives. Check out my latest articles or feel free to reach out to me. Thanks!

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  1. Baseball is a State Machine

    A common pattern that emerges in software development is the need to represent data that has a discrete known value. In Kotlin we use tools like...

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  1. Cross-Document View Transitions

    Websites with full page reloads can often result in users perceiving a website as slow. This, amongst many other reasons, has driven developers to...

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  2. Improving Perceived Performance with Delayed Visibility

    While improving performance is an important metric, an equally important metric is perceived performance. Users will often care less about how fast a...

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  3. Using Lists in Compose Previews

    When making a Compose component there are scenarios where it is helpful to preview several variations of the component. At the start, just creating...

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